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Apr 9, 2018

Star, I'm Thinking

I think I'll name this "Morning Star." I'm making it for a family friend whose husband passed away last fall. Some of the blocks are made from his old shirts. I dug thru the stash, pulled out the dark fabrics to make the star come to life. I need to sew the rows together, add a border & make a backing from the extra HST. Hopefully this won't take long. Fingers crossed & all.


1. Needled Mom said...

That will make such a nice memory.

1. Gene Black said...

That is a beautiful thing to do for a friend. The shirts get a new life and the memories stay.

1. swooze said...

Lovely quilt!

1. Guilitta said...

I love this pattern. Where did you find this pattern and how big will this quilt be?
I think it's very nice for a friend to create this souvenir and it will bring certainly a lot of joy.

Grreting Guilitta

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

What a lovely thing to do for your friend - the memories she will find in this quilt are priceless. The pattern is perfect too.

1. cocoya said...
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