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Apr 3, 2018

A Finish & A Continuance

Well at least it's completed but not yet quilted. I'll get to that one of these days!!

When searching through my stash for the elephant fabrics, I ran across another unfinished project.....my Armed Forces blocks. I decided to go with some filler block made from my red/white/blue scraps. I need to make one more block before putting all of it together. Good heavens, where to find time to do that??? ;-/


1. Gene Black said...

Ha ha. One danger of searching my stash is always the risk of finding another UFO in the pile. If you find some extra time (and energy to go with it) please send some my way. ;-)

1. Joyce Carter said...

Wow, Rhonda. I really love all the background fabrics you choose for the elephant. It really looks fantastic.
I don't think there will ever be enough time to do everything I want to do and it goes by so fast, the day gets away from me before I get a chance to even get started.

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh yes - your elephant looks great now. Your stash yielded exactly what was needed to complete him (her?). As for time - if only we didn't have to sleep/eat/clean just think of all we could accomplish!

1. Needled Mom said...

I LOVE the elephant! The background is perfect. Yes, I hear you about the time element in accomplishing anything these days.

1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Your elephant is perfection. You had the perfect fabric in your stash. Glad you ignored my background suggestion. Yours beautifully compliments the elephant.
xx, Carol

1. Quilting Nonnie said...

I was interested in your Armed Forces blocks. I like your idea of adding the red, white and blue blocks. I'm going to borrow your idea and thank you for inspiring me. I'm making a memory quilt got a mother lost her Army son. She's given me all his military clothing. With all the blocks I'm going to make from his clothing, I knew there would be a need for filler blocks. I think red, white and Blue Star blocks would be grand!

1. cocoya said...
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