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Jan 20, 2020

My Soul is Conflicted

On January 1, 2020, I lost mom. It was quick but not unexpected. It hurts my heart but I know she is in a better place.
I told a cousin the other day that I knew her for 64 years (a private joke) and it will take a very long time to process it all.  I do have peace in my life through God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit. And through my pain He is glorified.
I had pre-posted Eclectic Me and will try to keep that going. Please know that I appreciate your comments but am unable to respond for some reason but will do within my posts.  Thanks to Gene, A Left-Handed Quilter, Guilitta and Barb for your comments. You all lightened my heart.
Keep my in your prayers!


1. Paula, the quilter said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. It’s been 24 years since I lost mine. The grief doesn’t go away, but time seems to have dulled it. Hugs to you, Rhonda.

1. Joyce Carter said...

I am so sorry for your loss Rhonda. My mother passed away in 1998 and I can't count the times I have picked up the phone to call her only to remember she wouldn't answer.It seems like you lose a part of yourself when that happens.. Prayers for your healing to lessen your pain are coming your way. Big hug!

1. Linda Schiffer said...

I feel your loss - my sympathy! I lost my mother in December 2013. The grieving makes for a long, long winter. My heart goes out to you.


1. A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Oh, Rhonda - I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! Even when you see it coming - it hurts! I'm sending you and Mr. Cowboy a BIG HUG - ;))

1. Gene Black said...

I understand how you feel. Not completely, because I still have Mom, but I have had some very close family pass.
Even after many years, the loss of my sister still can make me cry. But know that while you never quit missing them, the pain dulls and sometimes fades to almost imperceptible.
Peace to you and prayers for you.

1. Joni said...

Rhonda I am so sorry for your loss and so happy that you had your time with your Mom in her last months. It is a special time and a great honor to take care of our parents. I have hope for you that in time your memories will bring more smiles than tears. Bless you!

1. Regina said...

Rhonda, I am sadden to read about your mom's passing. No matter how old we are it is never easy to lose a parent. My prayers are with you during this time.

1. Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Sending great big hugs to you! even though it is expected it is never easy. Prayers for your heart and hugs for your soul.

1. Lynne Stucke said...

My sincere condolences. My mother went to be with the Lord after a short battle with pancreatic cancer on Jan 1, 2013, and I still selfishly miss her. I know she is much happier where she is, though, and that she wouldn't rejoin me here on this earth even if she could. So, I share your loss. I pray the Lord's grace will continue to bathe you in joyful memories and folds of comfort.

1. Marie said...

My dear sweet Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, We are all stronger than we know through our Jesus, He will walk right beside you! Love you sweet lady. Marie

1. Barb said...

I am soooo very very sorry about your mom. There is a void when a parent dies and sometimes that void last quite a while and eventually you learn to live with it. My heart goes out to you, much love and prayers.

1. barcord said...

My heartfelt sympathy on the death of your mum. I pray the Lord will comfort you as you grieve.

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1. swooze said...

I’m just now catching up. I’m sorry for the loss of your dear mother.


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