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Apr 20, 2018

Skin & Bones

That's me in the middle. Look at those legs and those arms. Skin and bones, I tell you. Ah, the years have done a number on the old body folks. There was a time when I could eat anything, ANYTHING at all and no weight would appear on me.
This is me now, well a few months ago....many pounds added but, you know, I'm happy with myself. I'm retired, doing mostly what I want these days and enjoying life.
Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful journey I'm traveling.  I still have my mom and the fantastic Mr. Cowboy. They both keep me on my toes. And then there are the little people...Ayden, Austin, Sarah, Buzz and Woody and the firecracker Gabby....whew! I'm off to take my vitamins.    
I hope life is treating you all well!!


1. Gene Black said...

I have photos of me as "skin and bones" also. But as you say, the years have done a number on the old body. I can no longer eat whatever I can put in my mouth without suffering the consequence.
I am glad you are happy, and I am glad we both still have our moms with us.
Peace be with you.

1. Shelina said...

It is always good to appreciate what we do have instead of lamenting what could have been. My body has taken a similar trajectory and I am trying my best to thank it for its service by treating it right.

1. Anne Kirby said...

You're a lovely lady and no older than the rest of us lol. I love your cute little quilts!

1. Vicki H said...

I had the hollow legs and could eat anything as well. Years of sitting behind a desk sure changed all that.

1. Needled Mom said...

If we had those bodies now people would think we had an eating disorder. Age is suppose to add a little padding - more for the grandchildren to cuddle into!!! You look fabulous.

1. Joyce Carter said...

I was sooo skinny back in my younger days just like you and didn't think twice about what I could eat. But things have changed a lot since then. However, I don't think I would want to go back to those times. Life is much better for me these days. Have a great weekend.

1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I was skinny until I was about 5. Then my weight took off until high school when I took control. Unbelievably it happened when I got a job in a bakery. Now I could take off about 20 pounds but honestly 150 is not bad at 66. As long as my size 12s fit, I'm good. Would not want to have to buy a new wardrobe, lol.

You look great.
Have a good weekend.
xx, Carol

1. cocoya said...
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Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, me, too! Do you remember Laugh In? My weekly ritual was to watch that show and eat an ENTIRE bag of BBQ potato chips during the show! Oh my gosh! A handful now will add 3 pounds of weight. LOL I probably weighed 105 lbs. then. We won't talk about now. It is a blessing to be happy with who we are. You are blessed!

1. Betta With Etta Realtor said...

I remember the skin and bones days. I also have fond memories of the few times I got to visit with your family. Mother, Rev Wilson and I would come to visit Uncle Edwin. I was so excited to play. I also remember your german Shephard biting me😃. At the time it wasn’t funny. I was tumatized as a child😄. Those days were great though.


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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