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Apr 18, 2018

Mom Craved Chocolate

Sorry about the blurry photo.

I have several birthmarks....I'm showing two....won't frighten you with the others. 
 Anyway, I use to ask mom about mine. She'd laugh and say, "I was craving chocolate!" Of course, I believed her, sort of, but became curious and researched it. Turns out birthmarks, according to medlineplus.gov are abnormalities of the skin that are present when the baby is born. Others say that birthmarks are pigmentations of color under the skin (American Academy of Dermatology). It seams I have the "Café-a-lait which is French for "coffee with milk" birthmark.
I think I like mom's explanation better. Birthmarks are also said to be harmless. The Mayo Clinic website has a birthmark slideshow. Sorry I couldn't link to it......not smart enough for that today...sigh!
Anybody else have an interesting birthmark?


1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I have one small birthmark on my they. A splat of darker skin. I used to tell my daughter she was born with a tail and we had to have it cut off. She believed that for a long time. Was that cruel? lol.
xx, Carol

1. Needled Mom said...

LOVE the explanations!! I had a small one on my side, but it was removed when it started to change appearance.

I'm still chuckling about the "tail" tale!


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