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Jan 16, 2018

60 to 25

No photo just a note!
Yesterday it was 60 degrees around my neighborhood. I was able to get in a good rehearsal for my play next month. After the rehearsal I served a great stew with cornbread. 
Last night I went to bed then awoke this morning to temps of 25 degrees but with the wind blowing so fiercely, the temp is down to 10 degrees.
I know I'm doing a lot of complaining but here in my neck of the woods, it rarely gets this cold. I'll need that coat.....sigh!
Anyone else feeling the cold?


1. Needled Mom said...

Brrr...I think I'd pull the covers back over my head.

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

The temps here have been up and down too - don't know how to dress when going outside. A week and a half ago we were down to -33C (which translates to about -27 in Fahrenheit) and that wasn't taking into account the wind chill which made it feel a whole lot colder. Today it's only -5C.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. It's down to 6 here tonight, but I hope the next couple of days sees the end of this! I said that last polar blast, a couple of weeks ago, too. By the time it's warm enough to go buy a coat, you won't need one!

1. Gene Black said...

Brrr....we are at 9 degrees F here.

1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

It's the same story across the continent. We are lucky that we don't have to go outside unless we want to now. Stay warm. I am in countdown to Spring.
xx, Carol

1. Joyce Carter said...

Isn't this weather crazy? It is very unusual for us. I don't know what it will be from one week til the next. One week it stayed below freezing every day, then it jumped up to almost 70 last week. This week it is below freezing again. Today we woke up with snow---again. We don't usually have snow but once and it will only be a light dusting.And everything closes down. How long do you think it will be before Spring?LOL


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