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Dec 31, 2017

2017-The End

Wow, I can't believe that this year is just about over. I'm so glad that I have a way of looking back to see what I've been up to.  So I've decided to a monthly look-back on this year.
January 2017 - I participated in "A Fresh Blog Hop" so I decided to make a buffalo nickel mini; a Fire Department block; and a lemon sweet and sour experiment.
February 2017 - I was the speaker at a local guilt guild' next block Marine emblem; an Army emblem; an Air Force emblem and canned tomatoes.
March 2017 - I chopped a bushel of onions and froze them; made a strip quilt; and started making backing from my stash.
April 2017 - Went to Deer Camp with the wacky girlfriends.
May 2017 - Cousin Clark's first real experience with the wild hog epidemic; made another fractured diamond quilt.
June 2017 - Canned figs; straightened my stash; started to identify the feet of my sewing machines.
July 2017 - Mr. Cowboy finds a CLEVIS!!!; canned pickles.
August 2017 - Harvey devastation in Texas; had lost my Mojo but finally found it; ate at Bud Jones Bayou restaurant in Tyler, TX; and Mr. Cowboy caught and released an 8 pounder.
September 2017 - Making Veteran quilts to give away in November.
October 2017 - A get-away to Galveston with Mr. Cowboy; my fascination with elephants; and my celebration of 1600 posts.
November 2017 - Honoring Veterans with the quilts.
December 2017 - My water color venture; a commissioned quilt; and recipe using Chow Mein noodles.
And now some family stuff.
Daddy and the little people.  Can you identify the "wild child" in this photo......LOL!!
Mommy, Daddy and said wild child.
See this sweet little face. Who could possible resist her.  The other day when the family visited, this little one wore GoGo out. In fact I'm still recovering......WHEW!
Enjoy this last day of 2017, celebrate with discernment and then............................................  Happy New Year!!!


1. Joyce Carter said...

Such a beautiful family! Those children are so adorable. (All that energy will keep you feeling younger) Cherish them because they will be grown before you know it.

1. diane said...

Lovely family pictures. Grandkids are the best even when they wear us out. So enjoy seeing them, so thanks for sharing.

Mine are at the older age now and often wonder how they got there. It was just yesterday they were babies.

1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

It's good to have a way to look back at the past year and see what you have accomplished. Somehow it's a validation of what is important to us in our lives, whether it's art or family makes no matter.

Congratulations for a year of great accomplishment and happy family relationships. We all look forward to 2018 and hope it is a more peaceful year nationally.
xxx, Carol

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

Grandkids are great, but they do require a ton of energy to keep up with them.! Happy 2018 wishes to you and your family!


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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