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Nov 2, 2017

Honoring Veterans

Just a quick review of some of the quilts I've made to honor and give to the Veterans in my community.


Yesterday I was able to honor and salute the Veterans in my community. They got to choose a quilt or wall-hanging. They were surprised and very happy that someone thought of them.

I am so thankful and happy so honor them & I want to salute all Veterans who fought for our country. I also want to salute all who are serving in the Armed Forces today.


1. A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Oh, Rhonda! That's so awesome! What a wonderful way to honor and salute those men - ;))

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

Definitely awesome! I'm sure those veterans are pretty thrilled with their treasures, but probably even more that someone honoured their service.

1. Joyce Carter said...

Good for you Rhonda! I know all of them appreciated what you did for them.

1. diane said...

Bless you Rhonda for remembering and honoring the Veterans. They had to truly enjoy receiving their awesome quilts/wallhangings.

1. Gene Black said...

What a great way to thank the Vets for their service.

1. Needled Mom said...

That had to be a wonderful event. I'll bet they were all thrilled.

1. Barb said...

Oh my stinking gosh, all of those are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stinking amazing. I am in awe!!

1. Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh My Goodness!!!! Those are so incredible and beautiful - and the recipients - I bet they are walking on air!!! That was so amazing!


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