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Oct 30, 2017

My Fascination With Elephants

I found this particular photo on Google. It represents a collage of images I have in my head of the magnificent mammal, the elephant.
I remember the first time I saw one up close. It was at the Austin Zoo, oh several, well ages ago. Ok, 19......59ish. Anyway, the next time was years later at a circus.
I know you all remember that I don't like things that fly, flutter, crawl, creep, slither, buzz, bigger than or smaller than me....not to worry. The elephant will never get anywhere near me except on fabric!!!! Whew.
I've had an idea for a mini quilt using the fabrics below:
Notice the dark tapestry like fabric down one side of all the others? Well, that piece has been in my stash for a very long time, as in 10 years....sigh. I'm using it in this project, finally. Mr. Cowboy thinks I'm nuts because it's so different from all the other chosen fabrics. 
Just you wait and see how I use it. 
Stay tuned.


1. Gene Black said...

I have ideas, but I will keep them to myself and enjoy watching what you do with it.

1. diane said...

Oh I'll be watching! Anything with elephants or giraffes get my attention. I didn't even try to think where you'd use it as I know whatever you do will be great.

1. A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Oooh - I have an idea of how I would use it - but I'm much more interested in what YOU are going to do with it - ;))

1. Joyce Carter said...

I would love to see what you do with it. I know it will be awesome!

1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Love that fabric and I am confident that you will do something amazing with it.

I love Bison. REALLY love them I have seen them at the zoo. There is a farm that raises them probably to butcher though I can't think about that. I would NEVER eat anything made from a Bison. I have only one thing on my Bucket List. To see them in the wild. So I can understand your fascination with Elephants. I wonder what makes different animals special to different people.
xx, Carol

1. Barb said...

I can not wait to see what you come up with next.....you are so amazing..(no lie)

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

I love elephants and haven't seen very many in quilts, so I can't wait to see what you will be doing. And how you plan to use that fabric!


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