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Apr 9, 2012

Stars for QOV

This is my Design Wall Monday.... make sure you pop over to Judy's to see what others are up to.

After re-reading the instructions for the QOV...... you know me..... sew first, read later..... LOL
I went back and added a sprinkle of varied shaped stars on the quilt top..... I really like this better. As soon as I get the borders sewn on, I'll be sending this baby off.


1. Gene Black said...

It looks great Rhonda. I love the wonkiness of it.

1. Barb said...

You are one fast chickie!!!

1. AnnieO said...

Looks great! I like the freeform blocks and the crisp stars together.

1. Doniene said...

The stars are prrrrrrrrfect!!!

Did you get much rain - hopefully no bad storms! We missed this trip - hoping and praying for some this week!!


1. Chris said...

Cute! The stars really added a lot. Someone will be very ha[[y to receive this.

1. Pattilou said...

I love wonky and stars! Yours is great!

1. Merilyn said...

The stars are a great addition to this quilt top, adds a bit of zing!!! Great job!!!


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