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Apr 12, 2012

QOV Done and......

 Finally got the borders sewn on and the stars stitched down. All that's left is making a label with an opening at the top where messages and letters can be placed.  It measures 65 by 80 inches and remember no purchased fabrics were used. I dug into my stash for all fabrics... one of these days I'll get to the bottom of that bin.
I'll be sending this one off early next week... Yea!!

These strange little weeds are in a corner of my garden. They are very delicate, cute and the size of a quarter. Question???? Any ideas as to what they are?


1. Sandra :) said...

Not sure what the weeds are (they're kinda pretty, though!), but the QOV is gorgeous! I bet it didn't even make a dent in your stash, LOL!

1. Beatriz said...

The quilt came out beautiful. That was real quick, I tell yá. Congratulations. You´ll be ready to buy more fabric pretty soon the way you´ve been doing things so fast.
Pretty weed. You name them yourself! LOL

1. Barb said...

Wonderful quilt...

love your header

1. Gari in AL said...

I really like your quilt. It is such a fun block and makes for a very intersting quilt. Someone is going to be very happy with it.

1. JustCindy said...

I love the QOV quilt. I don't know anything about weeds or flowers.

1. Paula, the quilter said...

I've been working on a QOV too. I had a DOH! moment when I realized I had enough HST for 2 quilts! So now I'm sewing up two QOVs. *tee hee*

1. Merilyn said...

Wonderful QOV quilt top!!!!


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