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Jan 4, 2011

Put Down The.........

 See my new baby....it's the Kindle......my mom gave it to for me for Christmas.......OMG......I went crazy.....I mean absolutely C R A Z Z Z Z eeeeeeeeee........
Sewing......who needs to sew.........
Embroidery.....who needs to do machine embroidery when there's reading to be done!
I have had the hardest time putting the thing down........my girlfriend Kathy warned me but I didn't listen..........I needed help and quickly.  So I got out the old trusty timer, set it for 2 hours to read .......with the hopes of stopping when it rang off to do something else......like house cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, visiting with the little princesses.............Did it work, you ask?.........................
.....................................................................................................I got busy!

I've been thinking about trying my hand at a BOM (Block of the Month).  It will give me a chance to practice my hand embroidery (I'm a true beginner). 
"Lazy Hearts" is a one year BOM project that is whimsical and a fun way to sharpen your skills.   If you'd like to join me, feel free!  I have placed a PDF (on my sidebar) for you to download ...... with all the instructions and patterns. Join the fun, why don't you.
My girlfriend Molly is hosting her second BOM......"Boot Bash"......make sure you check it out, as well.


1. Heidi said...

Those Kindles are fun aren't they? I love mine and had to reduce my reading to just before bed otherwise I'd not get anything done! It'll also be my first year working on a BOM, The Beyond the Cherry Trees quilt. I look forward to getting back into applique. Can't wait to see yours!

1. Toni said...

OOO Rhonda an new BOM...I need to add it to my post today! What a great idea. One of my desires this year is to do more hand work, setting a specific time during the day and dedicate it to just handwork!

I soo want a Kindle or a color Nook....but I think I need to wait til I have more UFO's completed :)

1. JustCindy said...

YAY! I'm excited about your BOM. I was looking for another one and so I will be doing your's. I to am beginner with hand embroidery so I hope this will help me with this skill.

1. Teaquilts said...

Great Christmas gift. You know that we quilters can be easily distracted with new gadgets. Have fun, enjoy the kindle but don't forget to sew; we'll miss you.

1. Barb said...

I am wanting a Kindle but maybe it is not a good idea.......glad you put it down for a few....

1. Pat said...

HA...I am right there with you and your Kathy on the Kindle!!! I love it....but I'm not setting any timer yet. LOL I was going to print your BOM. I am usually not good at all at keeping up with them, but if it is very simple (and isn't very time-consuming), I might manage it. I went to print it but can't figure out how to get the pattern to print for me. :(

1. Vicki said...

Rhonda - re Kindle - yes I got one from my son too. And yes, I love reading on it. I didn't get a cover yet.... Do you like yours? Thinking I might make one. LOL

And your lazy hearts - I love the one you've posted. Tempting.... very tempting!!

1. Betsy said...

Rhonda, it looks great. I am going to give it a try.


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