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Dec 30, 2010

GoGo's Scrumptious Bread Pudding

My grandma used to make bread pudding all the time when I was little. Of course I didn't know why, I just knew it tasted great.  She was obviously using the stale bread leftovers.  Who would guess that stale bread or days old bread could be turned into something so tasty.
I just recently decided to make bread pudding for the holidays.....can't believe that I hadn't done this before.
This is a very easy and quick recipe and if I can make it.....you can make it.
You will need 5 slices of buttered bread. Go ahead and cut the bread into small squares after buttering or do as I do, tear into small pieces.
1/2 cup of sugar. I use the "raw sugar" but the refined sugar is just as good.
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup milk
Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Allspice
An 8 X 8 inch pan
Preheat over to 300 degrees

In a medium sized bowl beat eggs, sugar, vanilla and milk together.  In the pan place the bread pieces over the bottom. Sprinkle the spices over the bread using your judgment.  I use more Cinnamon than the other spices because I love the taste.  Pour the ingredients of the bowl evenly over the bread.  At this point you can sprinkle more spices over the top or not.  Bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until set.
Slice into squares and serve warm or refrigerate and eat anytime. It's great with coffee or with a scoop of your favorite ice cream.


1. JustCindy said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! That looks so yummy. It's been too long since I made a bread pudding, better get that done this weekend.

1. quiltingnana said...

you made me hungry for Grandma's bread pudding...brought back memories...Happy New Year

1. Lisa said...

Mmmmmm... my mom always made this with raisins so I would pick the raisins out and eat the puddding. I have not thought of this stuff in years!

1. Quilter In Paradise said...

love bread pudding! this looks so easy, I'll give it a try... hhmm, maybe with a warm vanilla sauce over the top...
Beth in Dallas


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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