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Dec 17, 2010

Kahleen's Row

It's my girlfriend, Kathleen's turn.........I'm to make a grow of flowers for my portion of her row quilt.  If you remember, the "wacky" each year come up with these hair-brain ideas.......stepping out of our comfort zones and all that........which does stretch and grows our thrust for knowledge when it comes to making quilts.  Didn't that sound good......can I wax quilty or what..........don't answer that.
Anyway........I started her blocks at our last retreat but I don't think I've shown any closeups.

These are the start of her vertical row. All I have to do is make 3 more.....surely I can get this done by New Year........you think?  We'll see.  I have to get this done before I start my "pre-New Year's resolution" project...........eeeeeeeeekkkkk! These designs are taken from the "Wildflowers" pattern by Pearl P. Pereira.


1. Pat said...

What GREAT-looking flowers so far! I'm sure this row will be wonderful when you have it completed.

1. Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Great new look! LOL You're new nik name is BraveHeart!

1. Brenda said...

Oh I am in awe; they are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.


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