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Dec 16, 2010

If I Post It......

I've been looking at this design for a couple of years.....obsessing over it.....admiring it.....thinking about making it.......but nothing ever gets down.........so I'm making a "before New Year's resolution"........Yes you hear it here first folks.........my new project for 2011 is making this beautiful quilt.  I have 365 days to make this happen.....cross your fingers, hold your breath and wish me luck!


1. Barb said...

I love your New Years project...but won't hold my breath too long....HA!!

1. Heidi said...

A great project to start the New Year with! I don't think I can hold my breath for that long, but I have no doubts you'll make it!


1. Brenda said...

That is a beautiful quilt! Are you going to go with the same color combinations or chose something entirely different? Looking forward to seeing posts as you progress.


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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