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Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!

Aug 9, 2007


It all started with an idea...."We need flashy luggage!" Something that can be spotted from afar. So 5 of us went on a road trip to Sam Moon in the Woodlands near Houston. Molly drove us and we talked and visited on the way up. When we got to the store, we couldn't believe how many types of luggage there were. We all settled on some wild dotted sets and had them brought up to the counter while we went to the jewelry department to make a few purchases. Finally all checked out and headed to the SUV, we discovered that everything barely fit. The guys pushed and shoved the large boxes into the back as she chuckled at ourselves for not bringing 2 cars. Then it was on to the mall for more shopping.
Let me tell you, we had a blast.


1. Quilting Pirate said...

I love them all!!! What a fun place!!

1. Nicole & Phil said...

the luggage is great....I will have to think of that, I am sick of my black boring one! LOL
It's been awhile since I popped in for a visit! Happy Birthday, I am glad everyone could be with you!

1. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love the dotted luggage. At least no man is going to grab that by mistake. I have royal blue and on my last trip, there was a guy on the same flight with royal blue, same brand and everything!

1. Molly Mandeville Fryer said...



Don't count the days, make the days count!


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