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Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!

Aug 11, 2007

I'm Blue

This lovely little quilt nearly did me in. I'm telling you, it crossed my eyes, gave me a headache and an upset stomach. It's made on the diagonal and I do not appreciate that at all......LOL Anyway, after several misshaps, I finished it. Now, I know you're wondering about the edges of the quilt.......how am I going to finish and bind it??????????? I DON'T KNOW! I didn't think that far ahead*#(&$@)(@*&!(*~#^&*~}{(!*~&@~((~~*****............. I'm okay, it's alright, life goes on and so do I.
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1. swooze said...

I love it! Yes diagonals can make life intersting sometimes.

1. Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Rhonda--looks great! No one will ever know "the problem".

1. Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love this quilt! I like busy quilts that make you look at them for more than 5 seconds.

1. Rose Marie said...

Your top is stunning! For the sides, well, Ummmm ..... I would make a suggestion of side setting triangles and such, but not sure how you will react ... the air is already blue! :o)


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