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Mar 15, 2019

My Guy & His Keys

Sorry, no photos today. 
Every couple of days, I go out with Mr. Cowboy to help open gates, count cows and calves, watch for fence problems, etc. And each time he hands me a "very" large set of keys. I'm talking at least fifteen to twenty keys on the ring and asks me to open a certain lock. He even knows the number on the keys.....OMG!!!! The numbers on most of them have rubbed off or faded and he expects me to find the key, hop out of the truck and open the lock and gate as a bunch of cows, calves and a two thousand pound bull charges towards the "cookies"/range cubes.
Did I mention that I don't like it when something larger than me comes bowling my way.  Ok, I got off subject for a moment.
My question is, to anyone who wants to respond, does your hubby, significant other, boyfriend, etc. have a bunch of keys and do they know which key belongs where? 

Signed flummoxed ;-[


Pink Rose said...

lol great post i still have to try nearly every key to unlock the shed lol,hubby has keys laying around everywhere and he doesnt know what they are for,lol xx

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Me, too - great post! We have a box with a bunch of keys in it - some are tagged - some are not. Who knows what some of them are for - or why we still have them - LOL - ;))

Gene Black said...

My father always had several big rings of keys. My brother has quite a few also. I try to keep mine pared down. LOL


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