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Feb 2, 2018

What's In Your Wallet/Purse

 That commercial comes on quite frequently these days. It seems there are more commercials than meaningful TV. However, when I asked Mr. Cowboy to hand me my purse the other day, it was obvious that he was very amazed of how heavy it was and the amount of stuff I carry around by the way his arm hung dramatically to the floor  He even said that I could appear on "Let's Make A Deal" where they sometimes ask a member of the audience to show something unusual to win a hundred bucks.
We had a big laugh about it but it did get me thinking of what I carry around......so I'm going to be brave and show you what's in the old purse.
Can you see all that junk, as Mr. Cowboy calls it. I know it looks like a lot of stuff but I need all of it.
Here's a closer look.  All those pens and high-liters are for my Sunday school class. It's the teacher in me that always has extras for the ladies who have forgotten or just don't have any.  Then there's the "Sting" stick I carry because one never knows when a wasp, bee, yellow-jacket, bumblebee, well you get the picture, could come from out of nowhere to sting....one......;-{
I also carry eyeglass cleaner because the lenses on my glasses always get finger prints smudges on them.......hmmmmmmmmm! A couple of lipsticks, klneex, a file, lotion, keys, a coin purse, nail clippers, peppermint candy cause Mr. Cowboy always wants those and just a couple of other items and that's it.....WHAT??
How are about you? Are you brave enough to tell what's in your purse??


1. Gene Black said...

LOL.. I am glad I don't carry a purse - I would break my arm on it.

1. Joyce Carter said...

Wow! Mine is nothing like yours. LOL I have my keys--a pen--some kleenex--a few receipts--and my billfold. In it, I have some pictures,my I.D, credit card, insurance cards, my checkbook, and a pen---no money though. My pocket book probably isn't as big as yours because it seems to be pretty full as it is. Have a great weekend.

1. Quilting Nonnie said...

I think we're alike! My purse is heavy! Wallet, checkbook, notepad, pens, keys, tissues, excedrin, migraine meds, nail file, glass cleaner, glass cleaner cloth, lipstick, key sets times three, gum, and lotion. That's what I can remember without getting up to actually look in the purse!

1. Needled Mom said...

This is too funny! Let's see....I can add a sewing kit, measuring tape, pocket knife and an eyeglass repair kit. I actually won some money during a taping of Let's Make a Deal for items in my purse.

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

Takes a brave woman (women) to disclose the contents of their purse! Let's see - a packet of tissues; keys; comb; checkbook & pen; small pill case; wallet; a coin & a pebble my husband gave me when we were dating; lip balm; small jack knife....I think there's more, but I can't remember any offhand.

1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I would show it without a care. I keep a lot of stuff in the car so I don't have to carry it. When I worked I kept it in my desk. I NEED my purse to be as light as possible and VERY organized. I have a 4 x 5 three zipper pouch that I keep money and cards in. I have food coupons in case we stop to eat. Kleenex. A spare car key. Clippers and nail file. ONE pencil and ONE pen. And my phone which I rarely remember to take. And just to mention...my money pouch is chained to the inside of my purse. I left it on a counter once and the person behind me in line at the pharmacy walked off with it. Long story...I got it back with all my cards...after I had canceled them all. The taker kept $150.
xx, Carol

1. Susan said...

That's an amazing lot of stuff to haul around! I hate purses, so I carry the smallest and most minimal I can find. Wallet, keys, phone, one pen, small Kleenex pack, Chapstick, ... maybe an old receipt that isn't tossed out yet! Sometimes, I take out the driver's license and carry it in an even smaller purse with keys, a pen and one Kleenex and the ever-present Chapstick. I hate being encumbered by stuff I have to remember not to leave somewhere!


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