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If you are a "non-responder or OpenID-er" which to me means I have no way of responding to a comment that you've left, please leave a way for me to get in touch with you, especially if you're participating in a blog give-away or if you are asking for information or links.
By leaving your email within your comment, I can find you. I realize that this is sometimes a scary thing to do with scams and all but if you disguise the email as say.....
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this is the perfect way to hide from the unwanted eye. So please help me out if you are one of the non-responders.
Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!

Jan 24, 2018


I've been blogging for a few years now and only recently it's occurred to me why I need to label my posts. If I don't label I can't find something when I look back of my earlier posts. If you don't label properly, like I hadn't been doing, you have to go back over nearly each and every post. 
Can you hear my head banging into the wall?! Mr. Cowboy thought I'd lost my mind.
So hopefully from now on I'll be labeling heavily.


1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, Good!! I label and still can't find a post sometimes. But honestly, I am disappointed sometimes when I visit a blog and there is no label gadget on the side bar so I can see other posts about the subject being posted.
xx, Carol

1. Gene Black said...

I usually use the search box at the top left of blogger to find things. I guess I thought everyone did that.

1. Barb said...

Did any one ever tell you that banging ones head against the wall only causes headaches....

1. Magpie's Mumblings said...

Labels are certainly handy - provided you remember to label your posts (an ongoing struggle with me).

1. A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I stopped labeling my posts when I realized that you can search ANY blog for ANY thing by typing in a couple of "search" words in the top left corner at the top of the blog - next to the white "B" in the orange box. That's how I find stuff on my own blog when I need to link back to a previous post - ;))

1. Shelina said...

I label a lot so I can see posts about a particular project all at once and can see the progression. It also helps me name it the same thing every time I talk about it. The search also helps, especially when you forget to label a post.

1. Needled Mom said...

I did the same thing for a long time. I am now going back and adding labels. Ugh!


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