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Mar 25, 2017

Newbie & a Finish

Look at this little cutie. Mr. Cowboy has forbidden me to name her ( some of you may remember Buzzard Bait, who still lives somewhere safe & sound).
Secretly, I think I'm naming her anyway....wink!!
I finished the string quilt. This is not a good photo. I'll get a better one when I add a border.


1. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I'm pretty much not a meat eater so go name that baby!! Love the strings. I've not made strings yet, but I know I will.
xx, Carol

1. Rina Mason said...

She is so cute with that white blaze on her face. You can't let her be without a name, let us know what you decide. The quilt is so pretty. Well done.

1. RobynLouise said...

Lol, I used to name the ones that were going into the freezer when I lived on a cattle farm. Rump, Steak, Stuart and one was called Orange as he used to go crazy for an orange and if you threw it down the paddock he would buck and bellow as he charged after it! Orange was the only steer I was a bit sad to put in the freezer as he was such a character.

Anonymous said...

Cute calf! How can you not name something so cute? The quilt, even in bad lighting, looks good. How big is this one to be?

1. Needled Mom said...

I'd name her too.

Those are great string blocks.

1. Gene Black said...

If I named her, I would never be able to eat the meat...I would just have to stay away from any animals that would be food later.

1. Barb said...

We had a few cows and the boys named them, didn't mind eating them either. Love your quilt.


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