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Mar 18, 2017

National Quilt Day Part 2

I decided to piece the backing together in groups so this was group #1.
I then sewed on some Tumbler pieces from my UFO stash. Then added the small Disappearing Nine Patch quilt to that. This was group #2.
Group #3 came from a Nickel Square project from several years ago. To which I added more Tumblers.
Group #4 is a small quilt I made awhile back from my own design called Fractured Star. 
I don't have a big enough display board to show the final piece but I'm so happy to have finished in a day. It measures 65" by 75" at this point which is big enough for a couple of quilts.
What did you do for National Quilt Day?


1. Gene Black said...

Good job. As you know, I made a quilt top for the day.

1. Needled Mom said...

Fabulous!!! I was sorting fabrics for the day..... a necessity to move forward.

1. barcord said...

I was doing my favourite part of quilting. Sewing a binding on. Cosy and relaxing with a quilt draped over my lap.


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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