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Feb 23, 2017

Mini Wednesday

Oops! It's Mini Wednesday on a Thursday.  Sorry, I got busy with Mr. Cowboy, the warm weather we're having and cattle......sigh!!!
As you can see, I've chosen the Marines to do next. I've enlarged, cut and taped what I want to use.
With all these colors to choose from it should be easy to come up with a good design.

I decided to tackle the second inner circle with the lettering first because it's the most work with cutting and placing all the letters.
Here's a bit of trivia: Marine recruits are finished eating the moment their drill instructor is finished. That's why they eat so fast.
The beginnings of the eagle.
Eagle body all done to lay aside.
This next part was easy.....the globe and the western hemisphere (land mass).
Trivia again - Fewer than 100 people have ever received the title of "honorary Marine," which can only be bestowed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Here's just a small list: Chuck Norris, Bob Hope, Bugs Bunny, Jim Nabors and Gary Sinise.

Preview of how the eagle will be placed over the globe.
Eagle in place, holding a ribbon in its beak. I've also added a bit of highlights to the land mass.
The anchor and more ribbon are now pressed down. The ribbon has the Marine Corps motto "Semper Fidelis," which means "Always Faithful!"
More trivia...A 3-volley salute performed at funerals is sometimes confused with the 21 gun salute. The 3-volley salute is the firing of three rifle rounds over the graves of fallen armed forces members and political leaders.
I used a very pale green as the outermost circle and a mottled off white as the background.
Now there's four wonderful blocks done. I have at least one more before I decide if I want to finish everything or add some surprising blocks to the quilt.


Gene Black said...

You always amaze me with those letters.

One of those honorary marines, Jim Nabors, is from Alabama. His hometown is about an hour away from my hometown.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Another great block. But I admit, I had to think about your trivia fact for a moment. I bet you are going to go for surprise blocks. We'll see.
xx, Carol

Shelina said...

Wow, these are so amazing and so detailed. How big are the blocks?


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