Yep, lemons.
I was watching a cooking show when someone mentioned cooking with lemons that had been "aged" for 6 to 9 months. And how much zingy-er recipes became when you added some. Also, with aged lemons, you can use all parts. You don't want to throw out any piece of it.
WOW!! I immediately looked up some recipes.
So in this new year, I want to share my lemon journey with everyone.
Mr. Cowboy was instructed to go to the grocer's to buy a bag. He rolled his eyes but bought some, then wanted to supervise the process. He's so cute......but no, I don't need him hanging over my shoulder at this point.
Step 1
Step 1
Of course this is a whole lemon.
Cut off both ends.
Slice into each lemon just enough to allow it each to open but not fall apart.
Place each in a bowl or container.
Mix 1/2 cup Kosher salt to 1/4 cup sugar.
Sprinkle over and into each lemon, cover and refrigerate overnight. This will allow the lemons to marinate in their own juices making a syrup.
Stay tuned for the next step.
This is going to be pretty danged interesting. I'm not even going off to Google because I don't want to spoil watching your progress with this. This is so cool! and a great way to start the new year. That old saying about when life gives you lemons is going to take on a whole new "take".
Have a great day.
xx, Carol
I am really curious because I have never heard of adding sugar to the salt.
Do I tell my husband this is a quilting experiment?!
I love using the preserved lemons in my cooking. The flavor is fabulous.
You have me curious too.
Wow, this is interesting! I expected a post about Meyer lemons, because that's what lemon posts usually are. This is unique and I'm fascinated to hear the next step!
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