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Nov 9, 2016

Mini Wednesday

Whoooooo!!1 You guessed it. This is the beginnings of an owl.

Here, I used a gold fabric and colored orange crayon stripes over it.

Now, I've placed the eyes over the feathered area. He's coming alive.

Adding white feathers in key areas makes the owl pop.

Finally, just before trimming I added a gold leopardy fabric.....Love it!!!


1. Gene Black said...

Great mini owl quilt.

1. allthingzsewn said...

This is looking good, looking forward to the finish.

1. Joyce Carter said...

It really looks fantastic. Great job!

1. Needled Mom said...

Wow.... I love it!

1. Guilitta said...

Beautiful! Have a nice week.

Greeting Guilitta

1. Gari in AL said...

Now you are talking my language. Love the look, so real.

Anonymous said...

As always, so amazing how you get so much detail and realism in this small pieces. I had to share the pictures with my son this evening.


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