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Sep 7, 2016

Mini Wednesday

It's another wonderful Wednesday & I'm so excited to show my latest mini process.
Already you can tell that a bird is emerging.
I'm working with shades of black.
And here's the crow which is the focal point of the piece. 
Here I've chosen a batik for the sky & a mottled tone on tone for the ground. I love all the muted colors and shapes in the pale lavender batik.
Next I've added a horizon line with a trees to add interest.
Now for the fun part. Placement & more details. I find the whole process very therapeutic. If I didn't have to eat I think I'd make minis 24/7.
I've added a rock formation, some sparse grass & a couple of bare branches.
Finally, the shadow beneath the crow. I've name this one "Solitary Crow."


1. Chantal said...

WOW!!! No, really I mean WOOOOOWWWW! I think this one is my favourite. I've seen paintings that didn't look that real. Congrats Rhonda on another spectacular finish. ;^)

1. Paula, the quilter said...

Ooooo.... I really really like this one! What is it about crows anyway?

1. Gene Black said...

Great job Rhonda. Shadows always mess me up.

1. Lynne Stucke said...

TOTally awesome! I love it! (lynnstck[at]yahoo.com)

1. Linda Wulf Koenig said...

Oh, this is lovely. And shadows mess me up, too (as Gene Black said, above). This one looks natural. Beautiful work.


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