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Aug 24, 2016

Mini Wednesday

Hi there! It seems I'm only able to post mid week these days.
First, desertskyquilts helped me name this mini. Many thanks to my wonderful blogger friend!!
Meet "Green Pastures"

Here's the latest creation.
 & a bit of the process.
I'm so happy to be using even the smallest scraps.

I've used a sky background & fussy cut clouds from another scrap.

Finally, and you really have to squint, I added tiny birds to make things a bit more interesting.
I'm naming this one "Long Journey Home."


Gene Black said...

Amazing as always.

Snoodles said...

Love "Green Pastures" especially....

Chantal said...

You make such amazing work Rhonda! Do you enter any of these in quilt shows? Where do you store / hang all these beauties? You have an incredible talent. Love, love, love both of them. ;^)

Chantal said...

You might need this to reply to me;
and thanks for sharing your wonderful work.

Needled Mom said...

Gorgeous. The Long Journey Home is wonderful and makes me think of all the migrating birds right now.

Guilitta said...

I think you are an incredible artist. I marvel and admire every time they create great. I wish me also to be able to create something.

Greeting Guilitta

Linda Wulf Koenig said...

He/she is beautiful! I'm a bird nut, and this is lovely.

c-ing said...

What beautiful work. It's fun seeing the steps you take to produce these beautiful quilts.


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