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Mar 26, 2012
Mending Fences
This past Saturday I had the wonderful chore, along with a couple of cousins, to repair fences on our property after the recent flash floods we've had. While participating in that, I caught a little peacefulness before heading off for my second reason of tagging along....... I was also on the lookout of those pesky moma cows and their newborn babies. My job was to get a head count, for some reason known only to my cousins...... personally, I think they just wanted to get rid of me...... just sayin'. Anyway, the baby critters have a tendency to hide in the oddest places..... like say in an adjourning pasture because the little buggers have rolled under the fence somehow and are now stuck in the neighbor's place.
Did I mention that I don't really like things that are bigger, smaller, faster, buzz, fly, slither, swim, waddle, crawl, flitter....... need I list more!
Ah farm life....
And they really blend in with the background, don't they? Sweet.
I think I would prefer a weekend of sewing.
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