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Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!

Mar 20, 2012


 I've gotten the outer brown circle in place and will need to hand stitch a thin circle to add more detail later. So far the circle is roughly 16 inches.
The stars that appear above the eagle's head are supposed to number 13 for the first 13 states but I decided not to depict that tiny detail because my talents are not up to that one as of yet...... LOL
The leaf and berries have the correct number of 13 each and I have 13 arrows.  Not sure of my next step at this point but I'll sleep on it and come up with something soon.
The weather here in central-ish Texas is unusually rainy. Last night we had lots of thunder and very scary lightening. Then the rain came in buckets. It was one of those times like I remember my grandma use to say, "Get somewhere and be still, little girl!" That's what she told me during those time and believe you me, I was very still last night....... smiles!


JustCindy said...

I love the details. I do not like storms at night. I kept getting out of bed to look out the window, its one of those situation where you can't keep from looking.

Merilyn said...

You have progressed with this very quickly and very well too!!!! It's looking great!!

Karen said...

I love, love, love the eagle. Well done!

Betsy said...


Doniene said...

I stand in awe, girlfriend!!! Lovely detail!!!


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