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Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!

Feb 12, 2012

Back From The Dust Bunnies

Yes, friends, I'm back from the world of cleaning and dust bunnies. Where does all the dust come from, I ask you? Don't bother trying to answer that question because I've studied the situation, looked at it from every conceivable angle and have come to the conclusion that even if I wrapped my house in plastic wrap, dust would still get in.
Now, onto the more important stuff. I did the random picker thing and after my computer shut down for no reason that I could see....... we have a winner.
The envelop, please.....
Drum roll, please........
And the Oscar, ah, fabric goes to....



Gene Black said...

Congrats to Margie.

Gee, I was hoping it would be me,
but it seems to be Margie.
So I'll just rhyme
and bide my time
'til one day it will be me

not a very good limerick...but it is early for poetry! LOL

Sandra :) said...

YAY congratulations Margie!

BTW - dust bunnies are more prolific than regular bunnies --- who knew??!??! ;)

Margie said...

YaaaHOOOO! You do not know how surprised I was to see my name here this morning. In fact I had to go back and make sure there wasn't another Margie. I do not win giveaways. Am not a lucky person when it comes to that sort of thing. Thank you so much. Will send you an email with my address.

Are you really sure it's me?

Doniene said...

Congrats to Margie!!! As to the dust bunnies - it is never ending! And you have shamed me - I must get to mine this week! You know, don't tell me when you clean, then I can sew and not feel guilty but rather quilty!!


Pat said...

Congrats to Margie. Ah..yes...the dust bunnies...what can I tell you? They are everywhere and when you chase them away, they always come back. I have often thought of giving up!!!


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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