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Feb 6, 2012

Another Decision

 Alright, as you can see I've taken your wonderful advice about "not" confusing the nine patch with a mixed colored block. So I turned the nine patch on point and went with a solid block between.  Then it hit me..... light or dark solid fabric?????
What do you think????  
HELP, again..... LOL


Sandra said...

I like the dark

Pat said...

Definitely the dark!!! It jazzes things up......everyone does light and...when compared to your dark version, the light looks pretty bland and BLAH! LOL

NancyB85374 said...

Yes, I like the dark best, too. I makes it a 'wow'.

Doniene said...

I like both!!! But the dark fabric is really cool! Just as long as you stay "geometric" it's fine by me!! LOL

Sandra :) said...

I OOOO'd out loud when I saw the dark - it gets my vote! It really makes the 9 patches POP!

Gene Black said...

Hmm... I am going "against the grain" and saying that I really like the light the way you have done it. If all the light fabrics were the same-meh. But with the subtlety of the mixed lights really adds a lot of interest.

That is *my* opinion.

Andrea said...

Gene - you are outnumbered - lol ! I say the dark too Rhonda xxx

mindingmomma said...

the dark is pretty dramatic.

Merilyn said...

I prefer the light alternate squares!!!!


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