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Oct 4, 2008

Walk Away-All Day Soup

Confused by the title of this post??????? I'll explain. You are really going to love this recipe. Note the very large cooking pot, this is an essential part of the brew. Pour 10 cups of hot water into the pot turning on burner to blast.....LOL....no really, I'm serious. Chop up your leftover roast or brown 2 lbs. of ground meat or pre-cooked sliced brisket. You could use chicken instead. This recipe is easily substituted. Next add 2 tablespoons of salt or whatever you use. To that add 2 cans black-eyed peas-drained, 2 cans sweet corn-drained, 2 cans green beans-drained, 2 cans sliced carrots-drained. Cube 3 large potatoes, 2 diced onions and 1 clove of garlic. (If you prefer to leave off the garlic...that's fine). Note: Instead of all those cans of veggies, you could use the frozen Veggie-All package found in the Frozen Food section of the grocery store. Finally, add 3 cans Stewed Tomatoes and 3 can Tomato Sauce. Lower heat and cover pot to simmer. Set timer for 5 hours.....I know, I know it sounds strange but the longer it cooks then better it tastes. You are actually marrying the flavors as you cook them. Wow! Didn't that sound intelligent! After a couple of hours, add a diced jalapeno for an extra zing. And now would be a good time to taste for adding more salt or whatever. Some perfer more, some less. Serve with hot cornbread or your favorite crackers. This recipe is great for a large gathering.....like football night, ladies sew-ins, etc. Freeze the rest in container that are easily heated in microwave. I love to give the frozen containers as gifts at Christmas or New Year's and even as a birthday present. Elderly folks love it. My granddad couldn't wait for me to make up a giant pot. "It'll last me through the winter," he used to say. I miss that old man. Anyway, enjoy!


1. G'G'ma said...

Your soup sounds wonderful. So where is the rest of the story....when the window worker guy came??

1. Carol in Sweden said...

I've got tears in my eyes from laughing at your window story! WOW...I'd have freaked out and YOU had a RECIPE for broken glass!!??? You must be some fast thinking teacher...good to have around in case of emergency....except of course if you need to use a cell phone. (LOL--did it dry out alright?)

But what happened next? have you gotten if fixed? (my husband said maybe you'll need a building permit for installing a new wall! lol) no really...what happened? did they take out the glass without dropping any? (in case I need to use your recipe in the future!)

I love those cook all day soups! yummy!

1. Kath said...

Yum! Sounds good - I'll have to try that. I hope cooler weather is on it's way - that makes really good soup sipping!

1. Brenda said...

Thanks for the recipe! I love good all day simmer kind of soups and like you I freeze up whatever is left after a couple days and enjoy whenever the taste buds start drooling for some! Plus I just made a roast today.


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