Greeting and Merry Christmas bloggers out there in the quilting, design and/or art world. I just noticed that I'm close to 5ooo visitors so I decided to do something special. If you are #5000 to 5003 and you leave a comment with your address, I'll send you 2 fat quarters just to help me celebrate
. I've only been blogging a short while but I've enjoyed every moment of the sharing and making new friends.
Remember, if you're #5000, 5001, 5002 or 5003 leave your address on the comments and I'll get your 2 FQ's out to you in the mail hopefully before Christmas!
Just came by to check and noticed that I was #5000! Congratulations! WOO HOO!!!
I was 5006 - but I like your blog anyway!! Keep up the good work
Shoot, 5007! Ah well. Come visit my quilt blog and that should cheer me up. *grin*
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