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Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!
Oct 26, 2007
Laugh About It
This will take at least a cup of coffee or tea to read.........Last weekend Patty, Kathy L and I were vendors at the Heritage Quilt Show in Canton, Texas. I'd already mentioned that in a previous blog. But what I didn't tell you about was the "really Wacky moment." Yes, that's right. No matter where we go, what we're doing or how many of us there are, something always happens. This ones entitled "The Money Box". Let me say that Patty is our resident accountant and a darn good one she is. She keeps the books, the receipts and the money box...........As usual, we got there on time, set up and headed off to our motel for the night.......No problems so far. Friday was uneventful, the food was great that the guild provided, I had a great time doing my demo on half-square triangles. All was good until Patty had to go to Wal-Mart. She borrowed Kathy's car keys and went off to buy whatever and water for us. Later in the day, she came back and we continued with our sales and visiting with other vendors. Down the row from us was a wonderful guy that sharpens scissors for quilters while they look at the quilts or buy fabric or just visit. Several other vendors were there, of course, selling their various wares. Around 4:45 the guild announced that there was only 15 minutes more of looking and shopping. We started covering up our tables and throwing away trash....you know general clean-up before the next day's work. Upon leaving the show for the day, Patty grabs the money box, her drink and purse. Kathy grabs her purse, some magazines to read in the motel and her drink. I grab my purse. We say our goodbyes to everyone and head out to the parking lot with a couple of the guild members behind us. We get to Kathy's SUV but she can't open it because Patty still has her keys which Kathy points out. Patty digs in her purse and digs and digs. She's juggling several things, one of which is the money box. She places it on the back bumper.....you see where this is headed don't you. Anyway, she finally finds the keys at the bottom of her purse but now the doors won't open...GREAT! After a couple of tense moments, we're finally in the car. We wave goodbye and head off that wonderful Italian place....Val's on the square. By the way, the food was excellent! We stuffed o
urselves, moaned and groaned all the way to the car and drove back to the motel. Upon arrival, we decided to walk off some of that great food. Several laps around the motel and we were ready for showers and bed.
After we're all cleaned up and lounging in bed, Kathy get's a call from her husband. She's a long-arm quilter and her machine had been on the blink. She'd left her capable husband.......in charge of letting the fix-it man in to fix the machine. He called to report on that but finished up with a weird message "the scissor man has your box." Kathy thinks that maybe the fix-it guy had picked up something that he shouldn't have and questions her hubby further but he sticks to what the message says. She repeats this to us and we had a good laugh about her husband maybe losing his mind or something.
The next morning we get up, get dressed and are ready to checkout before going to breakfast and onto the show when Kathy asks Patty, "wonder what we made yesterday?" Patty starts looking for the "money box". She looks on the dresser, in the SUV.....3 times. She has us looking for it. She's literally pulling out her hair....saying "not again, all.....not again!" (Yes, this sort of thing has happened before). We try retracing our steps but draw a blank after coming out of the show the day before. We checkout, race down to the show ..... in a panic. One of the ladies came up to us and asked if we were looking for something. We say yes...out money box. She procedes to tell us this wild, hair-raising story about the money box falling off the back bumper onto a busy highway where an 18wheeler and a van hits the box...smashing it to smithereeens. The scissor man and one other guild member sees this all happen and run out to stop traffic and scoop up what they could gather. Are you seeing where Kathy's hubby's weird message is coming from now? Yea! The scissor man called the number he found off of one our Kathy's business cards and left the message thinking that we would be out of our minds trying to find that box. What a laugh on him. We were blissfully filled with food and sleepy from a great day at the show and totally unaware of anything else!
Where was I? Oh yea. By the time the show opened for the day....everyone knew about our little "snafu". We thanked the scissor man and guild member profusely. Patty went back to Wal-Mart and bought a new money box and insisted that me or Kathy be responsible for getting it to the car.
It was just another one of those things that always happens to a Wacky member but we endeavor to persever!
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