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Sep 3, 2007

Answered Prayers

If anyone has noticed, I've been absent from blogging lately. My stepfather has been very ill and has been hospitilized for nearly 10 days. My mom, of course, was beside herself with worry. I went up to Dallas to spend some time with her and lend support where needed. The other day Bob wasn't doing so well, highly sedated, heart problems, among other things. Mom said that just once she'd wanted to see him awake and sitting up in bed. We prayed about it. The next day Bob was taken off sedation and began to wake up. Within 12 hours, the breathing tube was removed and by Sunday he was sitting up and was able to recognize my mom. I immediately told her that our prayers were answered. That what she prayed for had happened. Prayers do get answered. Keep praying everyone.


1. Carole said...

Glad to read that all is better! Happy quilting!

1. Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Love you,R--so glad things are better.--m

1. swooze said...

I hope he is on the road to recovery!

1. Kathy said...

Rhonda, so glad your stepdad is doing better. I'll keep on praying.

1. Quilting Kim said...

Rhonda - The power of prayer is a wonderful thing - glad to hear that your stepdad is doing better. Hang in there and keep praying, I will, too.

1. Jeanne said...

Sending prayers for continued health improvements for your step-dad. So sorry he had such a difficult time.


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