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Thank you, in advance.....Ravelly Rhonda!!

Aug 1, 2007

100 & 52

Whew! I have holding off posting for nearly a week. Shhhh....I did post on the Wacky blog twice. LOL Anyway.......today is my birthday and this is my 100th post. Thus the title 100/52. I've got a few things to say to all my blogging friends out there. "Life is great!" I'm surrounded by a great mom, wonderful friends and all the fabric I can sew up. The quilt behind me is my latest project. I'll have more in a day or so. I'm using blues and beiges. Blue is not a color that I but often or use so I forced myself to use it. LOL Enjoy you day everyone.....it's on me!
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1. Pam said...

May I be the first to wish you a wonderful and Happy Birthday, and congratulations on your 100th post.

Life is good :))

1. Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Rhonda
Happy Birthday to you

From Kathy - singing loudly all the way from Canada!

1. Meredith said...

Happy Birthday. Brave of you putting your photo up. I am such a chicken about photos. Congrats on your 100th post!

1. QuiltMom said...

What a great quilt you are making- I hope that you had a terrific birthday and that you celebrate many more! May your year be filled with the laughter of good friends and may you always find another great quilt to make.
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter ( I am also a teacher- not yet retired),

1. swooze said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it was a great one.


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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