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Jun 23, 2014

Monday, Monday

Remember to pop over to Judy's for Design Wall Monday to see what other are up to!!

I've been stuck on the fractured diamond  for a week. All the possibilities were circling around in my head.
This first one was made from the above "kite" type template which is very easy to make.
This next one is my favorite because the diamonds are floating free. I made another template making the square a half inch larger which lends for a wider space at the bottom of each block. When all  blocks are sewn together, you see more of the background fabric.

Notice the square in this template and the width of the pointed wedge at the bottom of the photo. This kite is not as wide as the others. This will allow the diamond to become more distorted and will float each diamond, as well.

All three of these will go to the helping hands ladies after I've quilted them. Each is about 36 inches which is ideal for their needs.
Hopefully, the fractured diamond thingy is out of my system for awhile and thankfully a large portion of my scraps are gone.


1. Gene Black said...

I need to get to the point where I make all of my ideas and get them out of my system.
Yours look great.

1. Joyce Carter said...

Very pretty, Rhonda. I actually like the first one more. Very scrappy and colorful. I think it is a great way to use up more scraps.

1. Barb said...

Wow, each one is so unique....

1. Marie said...

Hi Rhonda, First I want to thank your for stopping by and your special comment about my scripture. I love the diamonds, what a great way to use scraps. I am working on a scrappy thing and will be showing it soon. Many hugs, Marie

1. Paulette said...

These are so cool! Love how the subtle variations make such an interesting difference.

1. Needled Mom said...

I really like how different they all are.

1. Quilting Stories said...

Oh, they are very stunning!


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