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Mar 3, 2012

New Project.....Maybe.....Probably

As some of you may have noticed, I love to take photos of nature.
Most of the time a photo will wind up as a "header" on my blog but the photo below will possibly wind up as a small quilt. This dead tree combo is in an area in our back forty. I've passed by it many times but this time
something grabbed my attention and I snapped several shots. It has character and I love the soft background as if mist or fog is framing the area.
So I'm going to study the photo, draw out some ideas, pull out some fabrics and think/ponder some more. Whatever I do, I'll post my progress, so if you're interested in a how-to, feel free to follow along and join in the process with me. Remember, this is a learning experience and I'm learning right along with you.
This project will work for " hand and machine applique`rs," steam-a-seam-ers and any other method that works for you.  And I'm thinking that some of you advanced digitizers with those great machines could scan and digitize this photo into a program to stitch out. Now that would be really cool. I might even try that one. Now I'm really getting excited.
I'm already thinking about the perfect bark fabric..... I'm off to dig it out of my stash!!


Beatriz said...

Pay close attention to this spot. I can see elves live there. That is for sure! You probably have a few fairies helping you in your quilting. Now I know why it comes out so neat! Your place is really nice. Be grateful.

Sandra :) said...

That's a pretty cool looking tree!

When we were growing up we had a "back 40" too. Behind our yard was an old shed and an old ramshackle house (we called it the playhouse, and my little brother and I used to play there :D). Behind that was the "gravel pit", which was just a big pit in the ground, LOLOL. Behind that was a forest where we adventured for hours on end ... with a little stream that trickled and made lovely noises, and lots of trilliums and ferns. Oh my that brings back so many memories, of Brian and I spending the entire day exploring and picnicing, so very long ago (40+ years). Now it's all built over, but the memories are still lovely :)

Barb said...

I am feeling it....I can not wait to see what you come up with!!

Pat said...

It amazes me how you make a photo come to life in a quilt. I'll watch this one closely....nice photo!

Paula, the quilter said...

Wow! what a great shot. Like the other ladies, I think there are maybe fairies or pixies there. Can't wait to see what becomes of this.

Margie said...

Looks like a very large challenge and not one I would take on but will be watching your progress.Take Care

Joanne Lendaro said...

can't wait to see what you come up with, I know it's going to be great! Very interesting subject matter, good choice.


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