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Mar 21, 2012

Flood Waters

Our little Keechi Creek rose over its banks to flood the road from one community to the next. Boy did we get a lot of rain...... loads of thunder, lightening and wind around 30 mph.
In the words of Mahalia Jackson, an old Spiritual singer, "Didn't It Rain Children, Children Didn't it Rain!"


Anonymous said...

I hope you are doing okay in this flooding! Loved Mahalia Jackson...now I want to hear her singing!

Sandra :) said...

Oh my, I hope everyone is OK - floods are so destructive :( I have family near the Red River in Manitoba - my cousin actually had to MOVE THEIR HOUSE to higher ground years ago because they kept getting flooded. Once the water starts to rise all you can do is hope and pray (and get the heck out of Dodge!)!

Gene Black said...

Ah Miss Mahalia! I had to find that on e on youtube and listen

Doniene said...

Hope all is well! We had nice showers here, so Praising the Lord!!


Joanne Lendaro said...

Glad that things are okay with you, thought of you often!


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